Scientists Reveal What Your Brain Looks Like on Psilocybin : ScienceAlert

dangers of magic mushrooms

Because hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms are common in most living environments, people should regularly remove all mushrooms from areas where children are routinely present to prevent accidental consumption. One study examined the ability of psilocybin to reduce depression symptoms without dulling emotions. Results indicated that psilocybin may be successful in treating depression with psychological support. This article explains how psilocybin works, including the potential effects and risks.

Short-term effects of magic mushrooms

Psilocybin is capable of promoting intense perceptual changes that include hallucinations, synesthesia, and alterations in temporal perception, as well as changes in emotion and thoughts, which may lead to risk of harmful use [23]. In addition, healthy individuals may experience episodes of bad trips–negative experiences, which may involve mental confusion, agitation, extreme anxiety, fear and psychotic episodes–including bizarre and frightening images, severe paranoia, and loss of sense of reality [24]. The relationship between bad trip episodes and certain mental states and/or physical settings is also relevant to consider subjective aspects as important triggers of anxiogenic outcomes related to the use of psychedelic substances. Understanding the specific circumstances in which psilocybin may lead to negative outcomes may have important implications for the future clinical use of this substance, also providing relevant information for harm reduction initiatives.

What are the effects of psilocybin mushrooms?

NIDA is conducting and supporting preclinical (laboratory) research into psilocybin’s effects on the brain and body, and whether there are similar substances that may have the same benefits without side-effects such as hallucinations. The institute also supports clinical investigations into psilocybin as a therapeutic substance. These include studies on its effectiveness and safety as a treatment for substance use disorders and to help people quit smoking. In an animal study, researchers found that low doses of psilocybin helped condition the fear response in mice. This might mean that magic mushrooms can help treat PTSD and related conditions. In a 2022 study, researchers analyzed the effects of psilocybin — the psychedelic compound found in shrooms — in 27 folks with a long history of depression.

dangers of magic mushrooms


Based on the 2020 survey from SAMHSA’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), published in October 2021, about 7.1 million people aged 12 or older (2.6%) reported using hallucinogens in the year prior to the survey. Current research suggests psilocybin is not addictive, and no physical symptoms occur after stopping use. Most accidental mushroom ingestion results in minor gastrointestinal illness, with only the most severe instances requiring medical attention. However, more research is necessary for experts to understand exactly how this mechanism works and if there is a way to achieve it without hallucinogenic side effects.

The sustained decreases in negative affective states and traits, increases in positive affective states and traits, and decreases in amygdala responses to emotional stimuli that were observed in this trial all resemble reported acute effects of psilocybin27,28. The observed changes in MOFC, DLPFC, IFG, insula, parietal, and fusiform response to conflicting trials, however, are unexpected findings that may reveal a potential top-down mechanism underlying the sustained effects of psilocybin on affect and brain function. Regarding mental health outcomes, significant associations between the consumption of hallucinogens throughout life and mood, anxiety, personality, eating and substance abuse disorders were found in an epidemiological study [15]. This is in agreement with anecdotal evidence indicating persistent anxiety disorder after consumption of mushrooms containing psilocybin [16]. However, concerns regarding sample size may be mitigated by the moderate to strong effect sizes that were observed across both self-report and neurobiological outcomes.

dangers of magic mushrooms

The fusiform gyrus contains a number of functionally-defined sub-regions dedicated to stimulus-specific object recognition72,73,74, with specialized regions that respond to facial stimuli75,76. Greater recruitment of these brain regions in response to conflicting stimuli at 1 week compared to 1 month post-psilocybin may reflect increased attentional load and more acute visceral representation of emotionally conflicting information. The DLPFC is broadly implicated in a number of tasks spanning the domains of working memory60, decision making61, and emotion regulation62. DLPFC has also been shown to exert top-down influence on amygdala response during emotion regulation62.

Using psilocybin can create a disorienting effect, stimulate intense emotions and cause people to temporarily lose their sense of time and space. Researchers are looking into how psilocybin could be used to treat substance use disorders and other mental illnesses. A leading idea suggests the psychedelic compound can improve the brain’s ability to form new neural connections, known as neuroplasticity—which may encourage new perspectives or disrupt harmful patterns of thought.

  1. The high-dose group had a bigger increase in life meaning, optimism, and quality of life.
  2. As such, it is unclear to what extent the observed differences in brain activity are due solely to the drug or also related to participants’ beliefs and expectations about the effects of psilocybin.
  3. This is valid source but there are others (like UNODC or EMCDDA reports) that can be combined with this one.
  4. Magic mushrooms, also known as shrooms, are hallucinogenic fungi that have long been used by some cultures as a spiritual aid and have grown in popularity as a recreational drug.
  5. Psilocybin is considered one of the most well-known psychedelics, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Participants also completed measures of personality at screening and again one month after psilocybin. The Tellegen Absorption Scale (TAS)52 is a 34-item rating scale with a 4-point response format (with response anchors at 0 “Never” and 3 “Always”) that is scored into a single total score for absorption. But we don’t really know what’s going on at the level of “functional brain networks” – the communication pathways that connect different regions of the brain. If you have been misusing shrooms, treatments are available that can help. Talk to your doctor or mental health professional about the best strategies for you. If the mushrooms were contaminated or mixed with other drugs, they may show signs of poisoning, including tachycardia (heart beating too fast), hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperthermia (body tissue becomes too hot), nausea, or vomiting.

In addition, these studies differed from the current report in that all previous studies conducted resting-state imaging with eyes closed, whereas the current study conducted resting-state imaging with eyes open. Also, while the current study collected 16 minutes worth of resting-state data, previous studies measured 7 or 8 minute resting-state scans, which may yield less reliable resting-state connectivity estimates than scans of 12 minutes or longer83. Participants completed the Big Five Inventory (BFI)51 and the Tellegen Absorption Scale (TAS)52 one day before and one month after psilocybin, and responses were compared between time points to investigate the enduring effect of psilocybin on personality. Functional connectomes calculated from resting-state scans were compared between time points to determine the enduring effects of psilocybin on functional network connectivity. The current open-label pilot study identified four key sustained effects of a single high dose of psilocybin on affect and the neural correlates of affective processing.

Washington, DC also decriminalized psilocybin in Nov. 2020, and San Francisco, CA in 2022. At least a dozen other U.S. cities, including Oakland, CA, Denver, CO, Ann Arbor, MI, Seattle, WA and Cambridge, MA have also decriminalized psilocybin use to various antidepressants and alcohol interactions degrees. The percent of hallucinogen users among young adults aged 18 to 25 (7.3% or 2.4 million people) was higher than the percentages among adolescents aged 12 to 17 (1.5% or 370,000 people) or adults aged 26 or older (2% or 4.3 million people).

I personally think that a classic content analysis would bring much more insight over what is the aim of the study but, given the exploratory nature of this approach, this research is already a step forward in producing necessary knowledge. D.C.M. acknowledges funding from the National Research Council (CNPq ref ) and the Carlos Chagas Filho Research Support Foundation (FAPERJ ref ). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. This is not a red flag per se, but some of the conflicts of interest are directly related to the commercialisation of the neurotechnologies (such as the use of precision fMRI for therapeutic purposes) used in their study. And from the paper, it isn’t clear how a risk of potential bias has been mitigated. F.S.B. secured funding, conceptualized, designed, and performed the experiment, analyzed the data, and wrote the manuscript.

People have been using mushrooms that contain psilocybin for thousands of years. Researchers theorize that the substance was used to bring about a mystical state during rituals. Today, people use the mushrooms in the hopes of having a unique, interesting, enlightening, and/or spiritual experience.


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